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News Asia Financial Forum Sets Stage for IDEA Launch, Fostering ASEAN Innovation Collaboration

Asia Financial Forum Sets Stage for IDEA Launch, Fostering ASEAN Innovation Collaboration

Hong Kong, January 25, 2024 – The Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) orchestrated a gathering of finance and innovation leaders at the Asian Financial Forum (AFF) held in the bustling city from January 24 to 25, 2024.

The AFF, hailed as the foremost platform in the region, attracted influential figures from government, finance, and business sectors globally, fostering groundbreaking discussions on the global economy with an Asian perspective.

Throughout the multilateral event, attendees delved into various topics including global economic dynamics, emerging market opportunities, and thematic workshops covering areas such as generative AI, climate investment, green finance, and data governance.

Among the distinguished participants was the Philippine delegation, led by Digital Pilipinas, a prominent private sector initiative aimed at bolstering technological advancement in the Philippines. Digital Pilipinas, under the leadership of Ms. Amor Maclang, convenor of Digital Pilipinas, seeks to establish Hong Kong as a pivotal gateway for Philippine innovation leaders to access the Chinese market.

During the AFF, Digital Pilipinas engaged with delegates at their booth, alongside GoodTech Holdings, led by Mr. Jove Tapiador, to explore avenues for collaboration between Hong Kong investors and Philippine tech enterprises.

Launching of the International Digital Economies Association

On the sidelines of the AFF proceedings saw the formal inauguration of the International Digital Economies Association (IDEA). Comprised of leaders in the digital economy landscape, IDEA aims to foster cross-border collaboration and catalyze tech-enabled growth in the ASEAN region.

Present during the IDEA launch were notable figures including Mandy Ng and Louis Chan from the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), Paul Li and Emil Chan from the Hong Kong Fintech Industry Association (HKFIA), Chen Bohui from the Asia Academy of Digital Economies (AADE), Bowie Lau from MaGE Hold, and other industry leaders from diverse sectors and regions such as Asih Karnengsih, the Executive Director for Indonesia Blockchain and Crypto Exchange Association, Asosiasi Blockchain, and Maria Selten Larina, the Founder & CEO, MAP Consulting Agency from Russia.

Discussions during the launch centered on the pivotal role of digital identity in bridging the digital divide, facilitating regional prosperity through collaborative efforts, and leveraging inclusive Fintech to improve livelihoods.

Looking ahead, leaders are committed to deepening collaboration between IDEA and the HKTDC, paving the way for transformative advancements in the ASEAN digital landscape. This partnership, forged in the spirit of the Asia Financial Forum’s focus on innovation and regional prosperity, leverages Hong Kong’s gateway status to China, promising significant strides in ASEAN’s digital future.

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