The Capetown Conversation last November 24-26 provided a venue for insightful discussions with renowned leaders including Thabo Mbeki, former President of South Africa. Last year’s thematic event proved a perfect opportunity to highlight ASEAN as a hub for global digital transformation particularly in the Achieving Just Green Transition, The Development Imperative, and Data for Development pillars of the event.
A landmark achievement on its own, the participation of Digital Pilipinas in the Capetown Conversation will further enable collaborations with South Africa’s BRICS partners, as well as position ASEAN for active participation in upcoming G20 programs this year. Digital Pilipinas Convenor Amor Maclang represented the movement, and the Philippines at the event.
The Capetown Conversation is a global event held in South Africa that brings leaders of nations together to discuss and find solutions to governance-related problems.
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